List of the Questions: Survey Concerning Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork Situations

The study is being conducted by a multidisciplinary research project team (Harassment in Fieldwork, HiF) led by Ruriko Otomo at Hokkaido University. If you have any questions about what you’ve just read, feel free to contact the principal investigator Ruriko Otomo (Hokkaido University) at sub.fieldworkandsafety[at]

Some questions provide a fixed list of answer options, which are not included in this document.
*= Required

Clicking on the “I agree to participate” button below indicates that you have read all the information concerning this survey on the previous page ( Please ignore the message shown at the bottom of each page in this survey “The owner of this form has not provided a privacy statement as to how they will use your response data”, which appears due to Microsoft’s default configuration. Our own privacy statement is found in the “Guarantees of Confidentiality” section in the preface of the survey.

0-1 How did you learn about this survey? Please tell us the name of academic association(s) from you heard about this survey. You may list more than one association. If you learned about this survey from other means, please let us know where you read/heard about the survey. *

0-2 What is your academic discipline? (The following list corresponds to the review category of KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research). *

0-3 Have you ever conducted fieldwork in your study/research experience? This survey defines fieldwork as a way of doing research or a form of research training where individuals collect research data and materials firsthand in the natural environment or social setting (e.g., a particular area or part of the world, within a particular institution) rather than in a laboratory or office at your own institution. *


Ⅰ Please provide us some details about yourself.

Ⅰ-1 In what year were you born? *

Ⅰ-2 Please provide your gender identity. If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅰ-3 What is your current position? *

Ⅰ-4 Have you ever experienced any kind of sexual violence during fieldwork placement? (See the preface of this survey for the definition of sexual violence, which is an umbrella term that includes sexual harassment). *


Ⅱ Please provide details concerning the incident(s) of sexual violence that you have experienced. If you have experienced multiple incidents, please select up to five cases and answers about each separate case.

Ⅱ-0-1 How many times have you been the victim of sexual violence during fieldwork? (Repeated incidents inflicted by the same preparator will be counted as one incident. Repeated incidents of the same/similar kind of sexual violence in the same field site(s) by multiple preparators will also be counted as one incident. However, please rely on your own judgement should you feel uncertain regarding how to count the incident(s).) *

Ⅱ-0-2 On the next page, we will ask you to provide details concerning the incident(s) of sexual violence that you have experienced. If you are willing to do so, please select “Proceed to the next page” below. However, you may experience emotional distress such as flashbacks of painful memories while providing the details. If you would like to skip the details and just tell us the fact that you have been a victim of sexual violence, please select “Skip the next page” below. You may select “Proceed to the next page” and take a brief look at the questions first and then come back to this page by clicking the on “Back”(戻る) button at the bottom of the survey page. *


Ⅱ Please provide details concerning the first case of sexual violence that you have experienced.

Ⅱ-1 What was your position at the time of the incident? *

Ⅱ-2 In what year did the incident occur? *

Ⅱ-3 In which country or region was the fieldwork performed at the time of the incident? (If the country or region you performed the fieldwork is not included in the list, please select the “Other (その他)” option and provide its name. The list of countries and regions used here covers those specified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. *

Ⅱ-4 Please provide details of the fieldwork site(s) to the extent that you can feasibly share, for example, the type of community/institution it was set in, whether the location was rural or urban, etc. If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”.*

Ⅱ-5 With whom were you performing the fieldwork? If your companion(s) were neither academic advisors/supervisors nor colleagues, please specify the role they played in your research (e.g., research assistants, interpreters, local guides, etc.) in the “Other”(その他) box. *

Ⅱ-6 Which of the following applies to your fieldwork experience/expertise at the time you experienced sexual violence? *

Ⅱ-7 When the incident occurred, how much time had passed since your initial arrival in the field? *

Ⅱ-8 Where did this incident occur? (e.g., at a host family’s house, in a hotel room, on the street, on a bus, etc.). If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-9 How many times did the incident(s) occur during your fieldwork? *

Ⅱ-10 To the best of your knowledge, what was the age of the perpetrator(s)? (If you are unclear/unsure on this, you can rely on your impressions or guesses or simply select “not sure”.) *

Ⅱ-11 To the best of your knowledge, what sex was the perpetrator'(s)? *

Ⅱ-12 To the best of your knowledge, what was the employment status of the perpetrator(s)? (If you are unclear/unsure on this, you can rely on your impressions or guesses or simply write “not sure”.) If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-13 What was the relationship between the perpetrator(s) and yourself? (e.g., research assistant hired in the fieldsite, local officials involved in issuing research permits, embassy/consulate staff, authoritative figure in your research field whom you met in the fieldsite, a complete stranger) If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-14 Please describe what kind of sexual violence occurred. When doing so, please refrain from reporting the names of individuals or specific organizations involved. You can choose any language in which you’re comfortable writing. Remember this is the only place where you can provide the details of the incident in your own words. If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-15 Which type of sexual violence did this incident most closely resemble? Choose applicable option(s) that reflect(s) the incident. *

Ⅱ-16 Was there anyone in your immediate vicinity that you could rely on at the time of the incident? *

Ⅱ-17 If you answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question (Ⅱ-16), who was/were this individual(s)? If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”.

Ⅱ-18 Did you take any action after the incident? (e.g., directly rejecting the perpetrator(s), avoiding situations where you find yourself alone with the perpetrator(s), avoid walking alone or through poorly lit areas at night, consulting with people around you, etc.) *

Ⅱ-19 If you answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question (Ⅱ-18), what kind of action did you take? If you answered ‘No’, why was this so? If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-20 Who did you consult with after the incident? *

Ⅱ-21 What was the impact of the incident on your subsequent fieldwork? If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-22 What kind of influence did the incident have on your research activities from that point? If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-23 What kind of influence did the incident have on your everyday life from that point? If you do not want to answer, write “N/A”. *

Ⅱ-24 Did the perpetrator(s) of said incident engage in bullying, mobbing, and/or mental/physical abuse by taking advantage of their authority or (higher) position in the field site(s)/workplace (including academic/research institutions)? *

Ⅱ-25 Would you allow us to use the reported case here as a typical example of sexual violence in our publication? When doing so, we assure to protect the anonymity, for example, by adding fiction to the case (e.g., combining it with the content of another reported/imaginary case, changing the respondent’s academic discipline, position, fieldsite, etc. to something fictitious). *

Ⅱ-26 Could you tell us the details of another case of having been the victim of sexual violence during fieldwork? *

(The questions from Ⅱ-1 to Ⅱ-26 will be also asked when reporting the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 5th case.)


Ⅲ Please provide us with your experiences of and opinions about pre-fieldwork preparation and countermeasures concerning sexual violence.

Ⅲ-1 Did you receive any guidance concerning how to avoid/how to deal with/how to report sexual violence prior to your fieldwork placement? *

Ⅲ-2 Prior to your fieldwork, did you prepare yourself for, or take precautions against the possibility of being a victim of sexual violence? *

Ⅲ-3 If you answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question (Ⅲ-2), what did you specifically do?

Ⅲ-4 What measures do you feel are necessary for local embassies, local governments, host institutions, etc. in the fieldwork location to take in order to prevent sexual violence during fieldwork, or to provide help in case of occurrence? Please select one option that you think is particularly important. *

Ⅲ-5 What measures do you feel are necessary for home institutions (your university, research institute, etc.) to take in order to prevent sexual violence during fieldwork, or to provide help in case of occurrence? Please select one option that you think is particularly important. *

Ⅲ-6 What measures do/did you want your academic advisor/supervisor/boss/superior to take for you in order to prevent sexual violence during fieldwork, or to provide help in case of occurrence? Please select one option that you think is particularly important. *

Ⅲ-7 What measures do you think you will take in the future to prevent sexual violence during fieldwork or to handle any occurrence? Please select one option that you think is particularly important. *


Ⅳ Here we ask your feedback to this survey.

Ⅳ-1 In order for this survey to improve, we would appreciate your comment/feedback.

Ⅳ-2 We are currently recruiting people to write about their experiences of sexual violence during fieldwork. You may also wish to give a talk in our seminars about the experiences that you have described in the survey. (You could speak anonymously if you wish.) If you are interested in contributing to these endeavors, you can contact us via email ( or feel free to get in touch via the contact form in our website( *

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